January 2018, Death Valley National Park, USA
( 01 )
Was born in Ankara, lives in New York City.
Works as a lawyer.
Mostly interested in tennis, interior design, and photography.
Likes trees, milk and cornflakes.
His favorite cartoon is Snoopy.
( 02 )
Professional Information
M. Melih Yönet is the Head of Legal at intenseye, a VC-backed AI company. He focuses on advising on software contracts, strategic investments, the data privacy regulatory landscape, AI governance, and complex transactions within the technology sector.
Prior to joining intenseye, Melih worked as an attorney specializing in corporate law, venture capital financing, and M&A transactions at various law firms for nearly a decade. He has represented many clients in various sectors including technology, music, arts, sports, and media. He holds degrees from Bilkent University and the Boston University School of Law.
Recent Publications
February 10, 2020
[Turkish Law Blog]
January 01, 2020
( 03 )
Nowhere Coat.
Yüzyüzeyken Konuşuruz - Kazılı Kuyum / Artwork

Sky Shell.

( 04 )